Welcome to my general web site. Go to Contact information for general information about me and a link to my vita. R is where I post hints on using the R statistical package. FLTK (for fast light tool kit) has information and demonstrations on using the very nice C++ library for writing graphical user interfaces. Outings and travel contain mostly my photographs.
There are three course related sites:
- http://blog.as.uky.edu/sta705/: course materials for my course Advanced Computational Inference. It begins August 2018. Material is added as the semester progresses.
- http://blog.as.uky.edu/sta707/: course materials for my course Advanced Data Analysis. This course concluded in May 2018. The page is left up for access to the presentations.
- http://blog.as.uky.edu/sta695/: course materials for my course Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Models. This course has not been taught in some time because the Department has had higher priorities. The site is left up for access to the presentations.
I thank Jon Milby of A&S computing for setting up these sites.